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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

Autor:Porter, Theodore M.
Naslov:Chance subdued by science (Ian Haching:"The taming of chance"; Paul Humphreys:"The chances of explanation: causal explantion in the social, medical, and physical sciences"; Abraham A. Moles:"Les sciences de l'imprécis"; Anders Hald:"A history of probability and statistics and their applications before 1750"; Tore Frängsmyr, J.L. Heilbron, and Robin Rider, eds., "The quantifying spirit in the eighteen century"; Mary S. Morgan:"The history of econometric ideas"; Alain Descrosieres and Laurent Thévenot:"Les catégories socioprofessionnelles")
Matična publikacija:Poetics today. - 1994, no. 3; pg. 467-478
Ključne riječi:Hacking I. * Humphreys P. * Moles A. A. * Hald A. * Faengsmyr T. * Heilbron J.L. * Rider R. * Morgan M.S. * Desrosieres A. * Thévenot L.
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(Faengsmyr T. )
